
Everyone has a theory as to why Solange Knowles physically assaulted Jay-Z


Well well well. The major media outlets have let the Solange/Jay-Z video percolate for 36-48 hours, and now they’re coming up with some theories. Interesting theories. Honestly, I think most outlets were waiting to see if Jay and Beyonce would issue some kind of statement about it, and since they didn’t… well, the media has just decided to throw everything out there. So, let’s summarize.

Theory #1: Something to do with Rachel Roy.
Via People Mag & Wendy Williams: Solange and Rachel Roy got into it earlier that night, at the Met Gala. A source claims “Solange was provoked by Rachel,” and Beyonce got in between Rachel and Solange, “warning” Rachel not to speak to Solange. Rachel was married to Damon Dash, who used to be Jay-Z’s business partner. Rachel has known the Knowles women for a while. Wendy Williams had some detailed comments, alleging that Jay has a sexual history with Rachel and that Solange was simply standing up for her sister. People’s source does say: “Solange is super protective of Beyoncé.”

Theory #2: Solange was belligerent and blitzed.
People’s sources say Solange was “yelling at other people at the party.” Some witnesses say Solange had been drinking, but she was not drunk. A source told the NYDN that Solange definitely seemed “drunk and irritated” as they left The Standard. Page Six also has witnesses claiming that Solange was “clearly…on something at the party, she was drunk and out of it. The girl is crazy and prone to outbursts.” Another witness said: “She was the girl who drank too much and was behaving badly at the party.”

Theory #3: Jay-Z said something rude that completely set off Solange.
People Mag’s source claims: “Jay said something inappropriate to Beyoncé and Solange, and she snapped. When they got in the elevator, it escalated quickly the way family tensions can. It got exceptionally heated the way family moments can.”

Theory #4: It had something to do with Solange’s non-famous friends.
The NYDN says that two of Solange’s friends came to The Standard, wanting to party with all of the Met Gala people, although Solange’s friends weren’t dressed for the event. A source says: “They caused a scene downstairs. They wouldn’t leave and kept name dropping Jay Z. They were pretending they were guests of his and not hers. Management went to Julius (Beyonce’s bodyguard) and said there’s a problem.” When Jay learned of this, he “snapped” at Solange, telling her “don’t use my name.” This reportedly caused Solange to sulk and demand that they leave the party.

Theory #5: Something to do with Rihanna.
When Jay, Solange and Bey were leaving the party, Jay told his security (shared with Beyonce) that he was going to Rihanna’s post-Met Gala party and that Beyonce and Solange weren’t joining him. A source claims Solange got up in Beyonce and Jay-Z’s faces: “She said, ‘Why can’t you go home?’ and to Beyonce ‘Why does your husband need to go to the club right now?'” Jay snapped again, telling Solange: “You’re one to talk.” That was allegedly what preceded the fight, and Jay did not end up going to Rihanna’s party.

Theory #6: Solange is pissed off at Jay because he hasn’t helped her career.
This is the theory from The Daily Mail, so… it might be the least reliable theory, although I think there could totally be some element of truth (or thruthiness) here. A source claims: “Solange is so angry because Jay-Z promised to give her more help with her career and when she brought it up again the night of the gala, he told her he just didn’t have the time to work with her in the studio.” Jay promised he would help Solange but he keeps backing out, and Solange is sure her new album is going to flop. The source says: “Solange wants a major career like her sister and she’s tired of living in her shadow. She’s jealous.”

So, what do you believe? Keep in mind, you can believe several theories all at once. You can believe parts of one theory and part of another. All I can say is… it’s really starting to bug me that everyone is searching for an appropriate motive for Solange’s attack, like if we just know what was said, then Solange can be absolved. When in reality, it doesn’t f—king matter what Jay said to her, if he even said anything to “set her off,” she had no right to physically assault him like that.



Photos courtesy of Beyonce’s Tumblr, WENN.


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-06-30