
Zoe Saldana: Im definitely not a girly-girl. My sisters and I are thugs!

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana covers the September issue of Cosmo for Latinas to promote Guardians of the Galaxy. The movie performed very well on opening weekend, which means Zoe’s stock will rise even further. She has so many successful sci-fi franchises in her pocket. She will start working on the Avatar sequels after she gives birth (although we’re not supposed to mention her pregancy because that’s an invasion of privacy). There will be more Star Trek in her future too. That’s so wild to me. Zoe can kick butt, but she’s not a very good dramatic actress. I guess she doesn’t have to be.

This interview covers several topics. Zoe calls herself “a thug as opposed to “a girly girl.” That statement’s a bit confusing since she made such a big deal about how she’s “a lady.” Zoe also talks about her stock as an actress. Plus some stuff about what makes a man attractive and how she can tell if someone is good in bed:

On public image: “An actress is like a stock. When you’re in high demand because you have three movies coming out or you’ve gone through a breakup, you’ll look outside your window and see photographers. But you can also live a very anonymous life if you choose.”

As a black Latina, is she compared to other actresses? “I’m sure I’m compared to everything behind closed doors. Now that I’m a producer — and I’ve been in the director’s chair as well, for my Rosemary’s Baby remake — I sympathize with what producers go through. We’re in the business of making movies, and sometimes you have to make political decisions that get in the way of the art.”

Being a woman in Hollywood: “Throughout history, for every five doors that have opened for a man, only one has opened for a woman. So the moment another woman comes along — especially a younger one — she gets picked on instead of embraced. I’m 35, and I don’t want to be afraid of the 22-year-olds. I’m actually in a better place than they are.”

Life is better than it was a few years ago: “At 35, you make better choices in men or partners, divorce people and situations that are not right for you, and learn to say ‘no’ with a smile.”

Does she have good girlfriends? “I’m definitely not a girly-girl; my sisters and I are thugs! Sometimes we don’t even know how to console each other. We’ll be like [pretends to pat her sister on the shoulder], ‘Wanna go get a tattoo?’ Our husbands remind us of how feminine we are, but even they don’t know what we’re really like when we’re together.”

Will her children learn Spanish? “Of course [our children] will speak the languages that [Marco and I] speak; my sisters and I grew up learning French and speaking English and Spanish, and because of that, we’re able to understand Italian and Portuguese. But I’m going to have to make a conscious effort to speak Spanish to my children, because I speak Spanglish.”

What makes a man attractive: “A man who has a natural respect for women — I don’t want a man who worships me: Stay away from those. Worshipping doesn’t count as really seeing me. I like men who work with women, are challenged by women, learn from women.”

What makes a good sex life: “To be uninhibited. I’m not talking about bringing in a third person or watching pr0n all night: That’s what leads people to believe they are amazing in bed when they’re the worst ever. Pr0nography is not sex education — it’s the opposite! Don’t allow insecurities to close you off. Be creative.”

[From Cosmo for Latinas]

I’m so used to Zoe shading Bradley Cooper that I keep reading more shade into all her quotes about relationships and sex. Zoe’s saying that she makes “better choices in men” than she did a few years ago. That was probably about BCoop. Is she also saying he’s “the worst ever” in bed? Nah. I’m reading too much into that quote. Zoe dated other guys before BCoop (one of them for a decade). Surely, she’s not saying that Mr. Serial Killer Eyes is awful in bed. Great, now I’ve wasted thought on what BCoop is like in the sack.

Zoe paid a visit to David Letterman last week. She talked about her ten tattoos. Zoe says she gets her friends and family drunk, takes them to tattoo parlors, and talks them into bad body art. But she makes very sober choices for her own tattoos. How rude.

Zoe Saldana

Photos courtesy of Cosmo for Latinas


Merna Tatro

Update: 2024-06-17